My Collection: G.E.C Z9536 (2)

Manufacturer G.E.C
Catalogue Number (model) Z9536
Wattage 36W
Lamp-Type SOX-E
Gear None (remote)
Date On Photocell Socket ~~/06/1992
Date Acquired 06/06/2024
Restoration Status Cleaned
Collection Number #48

G.E.C's Z9536 was the 55W SOX, remote-geared, side-entry lantern in the Nightwatch series. They were incredibly common throughout the late 1970s to the early 2000s, and may still remain in-service to this day. This is the second G.E.C Z9536 in the collection, and the third Nightwatch in total. It runs 36W SOX-E and sports the later-GRP canopy.

From beneath, the lantern showcases it's familiar curved-rectangle shape.

On the canopy are the photocell socket and G.E.C logo.

To open the bowl, the lantern uses the same metal push clip as the rest of the Nightwatch series.

The only feature towards the street end is part of the bowl's hinge mechanism and the lamp-holder.

The lantern was wired up and tested (top). My other Z9536 was placed just below.