REVO Hyperion B Lantern Installations
REVO Hyperion Bs were an incredibly rare remote-geared lantern, dating back to 1965-1967. They were predominantly used on "A" roads, having run 140W or 200W SLI lamps before being adapted to run 135W SOX or 91W SOX-E. Their aluminium canopy and lack-of a gear makes them extremely lightweight for their size.
Tamworth Road, Two Gates
These Hyperion Bs (running 135W SOX) can be seen lighting Tamworth Road, Two Gates. This will not be for long however, as they are due to be removed from service within the week. A sad end to such amazing lanterns! The NEMA photocells would have been added at a later date, the lanterns having previously ran on time clocks. These lanterns exist within a sea of casual replacement lanterns, including but not limited to: Thorn Civic 1s, Philips MA50s and Urbis ZX2s. They now occupy about half of the columns in their depleting numbers.
Column T13 was pictured first; you can see one of the Thorn Civic 1s in the background, but the Hyperion B steals the glory!

Column T9, pictured at night:

Column T8:

The last installation of a Hyperion B to have existed on this branch of the road in 2023 was column T2:

The previous four examples were replaced by the time I next visited the Hyperion Bs in early 2024. I turned the corner to find a rather-dismal sight awaiting me...

Following the roundabout's second exit lead us to another stretch of Tamworth Road which supported the remaining four Hyperion Bs for a few months after the removal of the others. The first of this stretch was column T16:

Behind the column is a feeder-pillar for this section of road. The column's door has remnants of tape orbiting it.

T8 was the next column to possess a Hyperion B.

The following close-up of column T8 were sent to me by AgentHalogen_87:

Followed in succession by T7:

The following close-ups of column T7 were sent to me by AgentHalogen_87, looks like the lamp-holder in this one had fallen loose!

Unfortunately, the last column on the road that had a Hyperion B was this one. Column T6:

A tiny Zodion CdSi two-part photocell detector was located towards the back of the lantern.

As of July 2024, the remaining four Hyperion Bs were removed, ending the Hyperion B era in the West Midlands once-and-for-all.